
Monday, February 28, 2011

Response to Vanessa Lee's “Go away, I’m watching TV”

Thus great posting can be found here:

When reading this blog post, I couldn’t help but think that this is a post that I could have written as she says exactly how I feel about personal programming and my love for On Demand.

I have to completely agree with your first point Vanessa, about how even though Detweiler and Taylor believe that niche programming is dividing America and turning it into a negative thing, it actually is a more convenient and efficient way of incorporating television into a very hectic schedule.

As a student who commutes to school every day with a full course load and a part time job, I can never watch any of my favourite shows at the specific days and times they air, so I have to rely on “On Demand” as well as online outlets to be able to watch them according to my schedule.

What I really liked about your post Vanessa was how relatable it is to almost all North Americans today. As you said, it caters to people’s individual needs. Although television was meant to be a medium to bring people together, I completely agree that instead of it being a physical thing it’s more of a communication tool. My best friend and I share the same obsession over a certain show that I’ll keep anonymous to save us both from the embarrassment. Sometimes we’ll Skype and watch the show online together or try and watch it during the same time so we can both discuss every event that occurred during the episode.

Personally I like watching my shows alone and without distraction, it becomes my escape from everything else going on around me. It distracts me from thinking about the assignment I have due or the test I have coming up for a little while. I should also mention that when watching shows online, they are commercial free which saves 10 min in a 30 min episode or 20 min in an hour long episode- this adds another bonus to my life.

Television has moulded our society entirely, for the better; I don’t know. What I do know is that it does help relieve stress and provide entertainment to the masses.  Too much of anything is never a good thing and I don’t believe children should be exposed to most things that are on television now a day but in moderation, everything works.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your great response, Yasmeen!
    I was hoping you could post this as a comment on my original post as well so I could keep track of it.

