
Monday, March 14, 2011

All of the lights, all of the lights

This week’s lecture was all about sports and Christianity. So let’s dive right in and let the games begin.

I want to start this post by focusing on the pilot episode of Friday Night Lights that we watched in class last week. The show focussed on the fictional town of Dillon Texas and hones in on its players and their families. Just from watching the one episode, it was clear to see how strong of a community this town is and how centered it is on football and faith. Before and after games the team is always praying and keeping a strong hold on God. They are thankful for everything God has given them and are true to their roots. Funny just how much religion plays a part in a show so focussed on football, it’s almost as though their faith is at the center of the show, they take pride in being believers and thank God for being able to play on the field.

In general, sports can be seen as a type of religion. A cult sort of following with fans across the world.  The whole idea of renewal and hope is really interesting to me because it shows how much dedication and how much time people invest in not just a specific sport, but a specific team. It’s this adoration, love and respect that nobody can take away from a hardcore fan. In this essence, sports and Christianity are extremely similar as they share the same type of adoration towards something. So it seems only natural that sports fans and players are firm believers in God and everything religion has to offer.

Going back to Friday Night Lights, I found that the episode was extremely entertaining to watch and I found that the characters Christianity and just the fact that they are real believers.

In my opinion I relate athletes having such strong faith in God and their religion because of how athletes are consistently told that they inhabit a “gift”. That their abilities to play professionally or at any high ranking level is because they were born with a “God given gift”.  This then makes athletes believe they need to thank God and hold on to their faith in order to keep their “gift” alive.

Feel free to leave your comments!


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