
Monday, March 7, 2011

Response to Kathleen’s "Finding Positive Pop Icon Role Models (Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack)"

Hello Kathleen, thank you for writing a wonderful post for me to comment on!
Original post can be found here:

This post caught my eye because it proves a valid and strong argument about the reality of popular culture these days. It also reiterates my point in my last post about how Justin is providing a positive message to the youth of today.

Justin’s music is targeted to a more teen audience and I think that is why so many people in the class were overtly opposed to the idea of him and believe that he’s just a fabricated brand. Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Lil Wayne and K$sha can definitely not be considered role models. Because they serve to entertain an older and more adult audience they don’t feel the need to hold back their “creative expression” as they like to call it. The problem does not lie with Bieber himself, it lies with the fact that because people are used to viewing and hearing such obscene and vulgar lyrics and music videos, someone producing a more wholesome image is seen as “fake”, as if being real and true to oneself doesn’t involve loving God or giving back, it’s noted as a “publicity stunt”. Keeping in mind that Justin just turned 17 this week, there is still time for him to evolve as an artist and who knows he might abandon his squeaky clean image as does the lot of young stars.

What I think is important to remember is that Justin is outpouring positivity to his young fans and it helps defer young pre teens from looking at a Lady Gaga video and thinking that being overtly sexualized is the way to attract attention from other peers. Whether we like it or not, Justin is having a huge impact in pop culture and for us to sit and judge him for being too ‘clean”, it says a lot about the downward slope of media and society today. The reality is kids, teens and everything in between are mimicking what they see in music videos and overexposure to all the disturbing things seen in these videos makes us wonder...what are “kids” going to be like in the next 10 years? If you think about the vast differences between our generation and the one that came after us, it’s scary to hear the things they already know. Drugs, violence and sex are all becoming a sort of mainstream norm. So what’s the problem with kids preserving their youth, listening to JB’s songs and taking away a positive message from them?

By Justin showing to his fans that he’s active in donating it encourages his fans to do the same and to see that it’s a good to be good.

Thank you again Kathleen for the great read!


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